Saturday, April 19, 2014

Feeling Peachy

Ever heard someone use the expression "I'm feeling peachy today"? It's quite a common expression, so even if you don't remember it, you've probably heard it once or twice. But where did it come from? Certainly you wouldn't think everyone just randomly started saying it, right?

There's actually various reasons this  expression is used, but it is thought to have originated from the fact that peaches actually help fight anxiety, and are even proven to relieve stress! If you didn't want a peach before, I'm sure you're more inclined to have one now.

Benefits Of Peaches

As great as it is that peaches are a natural repellent of anxiety and stress, peaches actually have many other benefits to the body. Let's take a look at four of the most interesting (even though there's much more than four).

Stress Relief

We already discussed this benefit a but, but just a a recap - Peaches are a great way to help you calm your nerves when you're feeling stressed, and are even called the "fruit of calmness" in Hungary.

Healthy Skin

Peaches contain phytonutrients which are great for the body, providing you with healthy and younger-looking skin. Some skin care products even use peaches as a primary ingredient, such as Skin Food. Having healthier skin will make you look better, and looking better makes you feel better about yourself, and can raise your self esteem, which goes along with the anti-stress benefits of peaches as well.

Weight Loss

You probably read the heading of this section and thought "what?? How is FOOD going to help me lose weight?". Well if you've ever had a peach, you may have noticed it was quite a filling snack, and you likely didn't eat too much more (unless you have a bottomless stomach, like some people I know). Peaches are a whopping 50 calories per peach, and that's a fairly high estimation, so eating peaches won't be packing pounds of weight onto your body, and they're delightfully tasty!

Aids Digestion

Research has shown that peaches are beneficial to those who are experiencing constipation or bloating. The peach contains a sufficient combination of phytonutrients, sugars, and juices in which are used to help fight constipation. So instead of paying an unnecessary amount of money on laxatives or stool softeners, try eating a couple peaches a day to see if it helps.

So if you haven't already done so, I'd suggest picking up a couple peaches from your local grocery store. Not only will you help yourself start eating healthier, but you'll likely feel better about life in general. You might even, dare I say it, start to feel "peachy".

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